
Showing posts from May, 2010

HTTP 404 Not Found Blogger Custom Domain

Question: I had a blogspot blog, last wednesday I thought I would make ‘it official’ and got a custom doman through blogger. It says I do not have to do anything else if it was purchased through them. I haven’t done anything but register my domain address with google. When I try to access my page, it says HTTP 404 NOT FOUND . It has been a week and my site should have been working by now correct? Is there something I am not doing right? I have done everything it says on their HELP page and emailed them, but again, nothing. Answer: 1. By Wiesel: I was having a very similar problem. I switched back my blogger custom domain to my blogspot address then back to the custom domain and it seems to have worked. It might be a problem in blogger, or maybe finally the DNS settings propagated, i don’t know. It’s a least worth a try. 2. By Nitecruzr : OK, the primary symptom is normal: “Server Not Found Error 404″ DNS is normal (needs


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